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Management of Third Molars and Surgical Complications

Every dentist will encounter wisdom teeth in their patients. This course will take you through from the beginning in terms of treatment planning and identifying high risk cases pre-operatively to what to do if you happen to encounter a complication. We will highlight alternatives to third molar surgery such as the coronectomy in an evidence-based manner.

Credits 3.0 CE Credits

What you will learn:

  • ✓ History of Wisdom Teeth Evolution
  • ✓ Treatment Planning of Third Molar Extractions
  • ✓ Alternatives for Extractions
  • ✓ Indications for Coronectomy
  • ✓ Common Pitfalls of Wisdom Teeth Surgery
  • ✓ Management of Complications from Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Every dentist will encounter wisdom teeth in their patients. This course will take you through from the beginning in terms of treatment planning and identifying high risk cases pre-operatively to what to do if you happen to encounter a complication. We will highlight alternatives to third molar surgery such as the coronectomy in an evidence-based manner.

Course Access and Credit Policy

  • Purchaser will have access to videos for 2 years from the date of purchase
  • If the class expires and the purchaser still did not fulfill requirements to receive credit, no refund will be given and the purchaser will have to buy the class again to receive credit.
  • There are no refunds even if the class expires without the purchaser using the class for credit.
  • In order to receive credit for the course, the purchaser must complete the videos, pass a test and fill out an evaluation form.

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